This year's get together will follow traditions from the past reunions.
Fri., June 13 Check-in for those staying at the Bennett Spring cabins.
Dinner on your own or with group of relatives.
Bonfire at dark, fire pit at cabins where relatives usually stay.
Sat., June 14 Reunion Day!
lunch at 12:30
Auction at 2:00
Homemade ice cream following auction
Bonfire at dark, fire pit between cabins
There will be an activity board for you to post messages.
Yard games, sightseeing, swimming and canoeing to fill the off hours.
A suggestion has been made to move reunion date to a weekend other than Father's Day weekend.
An opinion box will be made available for you to voice your thoughts on scheduling.
See you soon.
Jeannine Stanton Aderhold,
Newsletter Procrastinator