We have been having wonderfully-cool weather in Missouri.
Could the 70-degree days hold out another week and a half?
If so, we might be able to experience a reunion not filled with sweat on our brows and enough humidity to change any one's hairdo.
Here are some more pictures from past 2012's reunion:
Doris, Jill and Mary in forefront, Angie behind Doris I'm still forever grateful to Harold, Phyllis and David for clearing out the backyard of the home place (where the pictures above were taken). There was a giant log, too big to cut with a chainsaw, concrete, etc. that would still be there if it wasn't for Harold bringing his tractor.
We bring our own firemen to our reunions! It was great to have our California relatives attend last year! We hear Mark (pictured above) has a son getting married this year so they will be busy with preparations. And, Junior's bunch is taking a trip to Cancun. How come our Missouri group never gets around like that?!
Landon, Inez's grandson and Scott's son, is also in the campfire picture. Let's see how much he's grown this year.
I am grateful for Janet, blogger expert, for fixing up this space so I can navigate it easier. Now all I need is for you to follow the posts and share past and present Stanton history.
I'll be posting more pictures in the coming days. I now know who David didn't get many pictures of last year. Be sure we'll have the lens pointing your direction this year.
Much love to my family,
Family reunions are always a wonderful time of memories and sharing! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!